Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC)

The guiding spirit of Delhi based ICCC is to accelerate the pace and
momentum of bi-lateral trade and commerce

About Us

Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) was formed in the year 2023. The guiding spirit of Delhi based ICCC is to accelerate the pace and momentum of bi-lateral trade and commerce between India and Canada and also to create a unified platform for conferences, seminars, business tours, agreement frameworks. The ICCC will also make a trend analysis of the pattern,
nature and quantum of business relationships between India and Canada from the angle of export and import involving association of business houses and companies operating from India and Canada. ICCC will act as a link between India and Canada for mutual development of both the economy. The ICCC will also support companies who are involved in development activities with sustainability and will
ensure that economic activity bring benefit to all.

Vision and Mission

Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce will strive for excellence through continuous evolution as per need of 21st century. We shall bring different
community of both these countries closer by making a perfect match making through our members and give them a platform to engage with key decisionmakers in India and Canada. Our platform is poised to accelerate the momentum bi-lateral business relations to new height and explore the
possibility of meaningful and impactful engagement through effective collaboration and events.


President Mr. Naresh Gupta is the Chairman of Roma Group of Companies. A seasoned entrepreneur with over forty years of experience. He is a strong voice in industry and raised industry concerns at business and bilateral forums. Not only is he is well known for his business acumen and exceptional leadership skills, he is highly respected within the industry for freely sharing his knowledge, experience and business insights. These are some of the key reasons his mentorship and pragmatic guidance are highly sought after by India’s budding entrepreneurs. A philanthropist at heart, Mr. Gupta has supported many social causes such as education for the girl child, women empowerment, accessible healthcare for all, clean rivers, and the rights and
privileges of Indians working abroad. Mr. Gupta is currently the President of Tarang Foundation, a not-for-profit organization working for the improvement of the livelihood of lakhs of Indians and empowerment of women and girl child.


Managing Committee
The Managing committee of ICCC comprises top industrialist of the country, chief executives of multinational corporations, heads of public sector enterprises, financial institutions, banks and management experts. The Managing Committee meets from time to time on various bi-lateral issues related with Indo-Canada trade and other important issues. The Committee also deliberate on major government policies of concern to Indian business with Canada. It also discusses and debates news ideas and perspective on business and trade growth between India and Canada.
Expert Committee
Trade Expert
This Committee comprises of business experts of various sectors especially from those industries who are already trading between India and Canada.
Services Expert
This committee comprises of various service sector experts who are already in sharing and these expert services between India and Canada.

Country Profile


The Indian economy is in the process of undergoing a rapid expansion, along with rapid urbanization electrification, productivity growth, and expansion of the middle class. India remains a net exporter of agri-food and as of 2021, the enormous potential of the Indian market remained largely untapped. Canadian exports of agri-food to India were limited, mostly dominated by a single category. With 1.4 billion people in 2021, India was the second most populous country in the world behind China and on track to surpass China by 2026. India's population is relatively young, and the country is expected to benefit from a demographic dividend. India was the world's sixth largest economy in 2021, with a value of US$3.1 trillion. India's economy was among the most severely affected in the world by the coronavirus pandemic, with the economy experiencing negative growth in 2020. India saw a real GDP contraction of 7.3% in 2021. Growth in 2021 rebounded to positive 9.2% and is expected to remain strong in the coming decades Production In India In 2020, India's most produced crop was sugarcane, with 370.5 million tonnes produced. Sugar cane production increased at a CAGR of 1.5% from 2016-2020, however 2020 production is down 8.6% from a peak reached in 2019. Mangoes saw the fastest production growth from 2016-2020, with production rising from 18.6 million tonnes in 2016 to 24.7 million tonnes in 2020, representing a CAGR of 7.3%. Dry onions also saw fast growth, having grown at a CAGR of 6.3%. Chicken was the most produced meat in India in 2020, measured by weight. 3.6 million tonnes of chicken were produced in 2020, up from 3.4 million in 2016. Chicken production grew at a CAGR of 0.8% over the historic period, but 2020 levels were 15.1% below a 2019 peak. Chickens were also the most common livestock produced in 2020, with 791.0 million produced in 2020. Buffalo was a distant second for most meat produced in 2020, with 1.6 million tonnes produced, and fourth for most common livestock, with 109.7 million heads produced. Cattle was the third most common meat produced, with 0.9 million tonnes produced in 2020, and the second most common livestock produced, with 194.4 million heads produced in 2020. Health and Wellness Retail Sales Retail sales in the health and wellness sector grew by a CAGR of 12.8% from 2017-2021 and is forecast to grow by a CAGR of 13.8% from 2022-2026. The sector saw retail sales of US$10.3 billion in 2021, expected to reach US$19.7 billion in 2026. The organic category saw the fastest growth from 2017-2021, with sales growing by a CAGR of 19.5%, and the sector is also expected to see the fastest growth from 2022-2026 (CAGR of 20.7%). However, the sector remained relatively small, making up 1.0% of total sales. Fortified and functional was the largest category in 2021, with US$4.8 billion in sales (47.1% of the sector) followed by naturally healthy with US$4.6 billion in sales (45.0% of total sales)


The Economy of Canada is highly developed and globalized. It is one of the world’s top ten trading nations and is dominated by the service industry which employs about three quarters of Canadians. It has the world’s third largest proven oil reserves and is the fourth largest exporter of crude oil. Canada has the third largest total estimated value of natural resources valued at US $33.98 trillion in 2019. In 2021, Canadian trade in goods and services reached CA $ 2.016trillion. Canada has the eighth largest commercial fishing and seafood industry in the world. Canada is one of the global leaders of the entertainment software industry. It is a member of the APEC, G7, G20, OECD and WTO. International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy especially its natural resources. The United States is by far its largest trading partner. Canada is a world leader in the production of many natural resources such as gold, nickel, uranium, diamonds, leads. Indo- Canada Bi-lateral Relation Indo-Canada bilateral ties are underpinned by shared values of democracy, pluralism, expanding economic engagement, regular high-level interactions and long-standing people-to-people ties. India and Canada have longstanding bilateral relationship based on shared democratic values, the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multireligious nature of two societies and strong people-to-people contacts. The visit of Indian Prime Minister in 2015 to Canada, elevated the bilateral relation to a Strategic Partnership. The further visit of Canadian Prime Minister in 2018, reaffirmed the breadth and scope of Canada-India relations, based on the fundamental principle of respect for sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the two countries. Also, as Westminster style democracies, India and Canada share commonalities in Parliamentary structure and procedures. Indo-Canada has established a Track 1.5 Dialogue on involving experts, government officials and business leaders from both sides to explore the possibility of future cooperation. Key Statistics o Bilateral trade between Indo and Canada stands at USD 5 billion o More than 400 Canadian companies have a presence in India, and more than 1,000 companies are actively pursuing business in the Indian market.  Also, Canadian pension funds have pledged over USD 55 billion in investments between 2014 and 2020 o Indian companies in Canada are active in the field such as Information Technology, software, steel, natural resources and banking sectors o India’s exports to Canada include pharma, iron and steel, chemicals, gem and jewellery, nuclear reactors and boilers  Imports comprise minerals, ores, vegetables, fertiliser, paper and pulp o Also, Canada and India are working toward a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) o As of 2021, Canada invested nearly $24 million in 2018-2019 to support 75 projects in India via Grand Challenges Canada o Canadian funding supports key organizations active in India including the Micronutrient Initiative, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Population Fund and the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. o Key organizations supported by Canada that are active in India include Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the World Bank, the United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, and Nutrition International o Key sectors supported in India by Global Affairs Canada through multilateral funding include: sustainable economic development, treatment of infectious diseases, and nutrition. o The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) continues to have an active presence in India with projects focusing on  the links between climate change and migration  the reduction of violence against vulnerable populations  women’s rights, security and access to justice  economic opportunities for Indian workers, especially women; and  improving food security o A Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) with Canada was signed in 2010 and came into force in 2013  The Appropriate Arrangement (AA) for the NCA was signed in 2013, under which a Joint Committee on Civil Nuclear Cooperation was constituted  In 2015, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) signed an agreement for supply of uranium ore concentrate to India in 2015-2020 o India and Canada collaborate closely in international fora particularly through the UN, Commonwealth and G-20 o Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has signed a MoU for cooperation with Canada’s York University (signed in 2012), which focuses on biological and chemical warfare and sensors.  A Statement of Intent (SoI) on Cooperation between DRDO and Canada’s Defence Research and Development Council has been signed in 2015 o The security cooperation was further enhanced with the Framework for Cooperation between India and Canada on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism signed by the National Security Advisor of India and the National Security and Intelligence Advisor of Canada in 2018 o Energy has been a primary area of our focus, considering that Canada is an ‘energy superpower’ with one of the world’s largest resources of uranium, natural gas, oil, coal, minerals and advanced technologies in hydropower, mining, renewable energy and nuclear energy o India Oil Corporation has a 10% participating interest in a Liquid Natural Gas project in British Columbia o Indo-Canadian Science and Technology cooperation has been primarily focussed on promoting Industrial R&D which has potential for application through development of new IP, processes, prototypes or products o Department of Biotechnology under IC-IMPACTS program implements joint research projects in health care, agri-biotech and waste management o Department of Earth Science and Polar Canada have started a programme for exchange of knowledge and scientific research on Cold Climate (Arctic) Studies o India and Canada are pursuing successful cooperative and commercial relations in the field of Space since 1990s mainly on space science, earth observation, satellite launch services and ground support for space missions o ISRO and Canadian Space Agency (CSA) have signed MOUs in the field of exploration and utilisation of outer space o ANTRIX, the Commercial arm of ISRO, has launched several nanosatellites from Canada o ISRO in its 100th Satellite PSLV launched in 2018, also flew Canadian first LEO satellite, from Indian spaceport Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh o Recently India became the top source of foreign students with 203000 Indian students studying in Canada o Many Canadian faculty members have visited India, under the Global Initiative of Academic Works (GIAN) programme for teaching assignments in Indian institutions o Canada is one of the 28 countries covered under the Scheme for promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), an initiative aiming to improve research ecosystems in India’s higher education institutions o The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is a unique bi-national organization fostering, since 1968, education and cultural cooperation and collaboration between India and Canada o As part of commemoration of 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Devji, it was decided by GOI to set up a Chair on Guru Nanak Devji in a Canadian University

Role of Indian Diaspora in ICCC

Canada hosts one of the largest Indian diasporas in the world, numbering 1.6 million (PIOs and NRIs) which account for more than 3% of its total population. The diaspora has done commendably well in every sector in Canada. In the field of politics, in particular, the present House of Common (total strength of 338) has 22 Members of Parliament of Indian-origin. With this strength of diaspora and a presence of strong  advocacy group like ICCC we can scale up networking opportunity of match-making, co-ordination and take business opportunities to greater heights.


Membership Benefits for Companies/Organization

As a ICCC member you get unlimited networking opportunities to interact with other Members, Institutions, Government Officials, Diplomats, Domain Experts, Business and Political leaders of both countries. You also get a chance to participate in seminars, training programmes, conferences and meetings. ICCC is a perfect platform to interact with Indian and Canadian business leaders, economist, scientists, bankers and thought leaders. ICCC will help you expand your business by providing expert services on issues relating to export/import, custom, excise, foreign exchange regulations, skilled migration, and labour advisory services.

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