

1) According to the Cesus 2021,the total Indian population in Canada is 1,858, 755 (1.85 million or 18.58 lakhs) or 5.1% of the Canadian population. Nearly 1.9 million or 19 lakhs Indians are living in Canada in 2022.

2) A survey conducted in 1991 showed that 49% of the Indo-Canadian population surveyed were Sikhs, 24% were Hindus and 10% were affiliated with other religions.

3). The province of Ontario has more than 55% of the Indian immigrant population with presence in cities like Toronto, Ottawa, Waterloo and Brampton. Next nearly 22% of Indians are spread in across citied like Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, and other in the province of British Columbia. As many as 13.6% of Indian immigrants live in Alberta province. Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewan have also significant Indian population

4) Indo-Canadians won the right to vote soon after the same time India won its independence from colonial rule on 15 August 1947.

5). The political prominence of Indo-Canadian community have become visible gradually with passage of time. The province of British Columbia on the West Coast had the first Indo-Canadian Premier (equivalent to the Chief Minister in India), Ujjal Dossanjh of the New Democratic Party. Dossanjh is India-born and migrated to Canada in 1968.

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